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How Cold Weather Affects Your Ear, Nose & Throat

When the weather turns cold, many people experience pain or discomfort in their ears, nose and throat. People often confuse symptoms caused by cold weather with illness or infection (or vice versa). It is important to know how cooler weather can affect your respiratory health. 

How to Stop Post-Nasal Drip

Your nose is almost constantly producing mucus. In fact, it makes approximately a quart of it each day. Mucus performs necessary functions including trapping bacteria and moistening the airways, but overproduction can lead to some annoying side effects.

5 Interesting Facts About Sneezing

During the summer months, a chorus of sneezes is something that you’ll often hear when walking through a park or neighborhood. Most of the time, the automatic response is “oh, it’s just my allergies.” While that can certainly be true, there’s much more to a sneeze than just that. 

Why Have I Lost My Sense of Smell?

The sense of smell isn’t something we typically take for granted, but it can affect everyday life when it’s gone. If you can’t smell, it may be more difficult to taste food, and may even lead to dangerous situations if you can’t detect smoke or a gas leak. 

While it is possible for someone to permanently lose their ability to smell, it is much more common for it to only happen for a period of a few days to a couple of weeks. Anosmia (the complete loss of smell) and hyposmia (partial loss of smell), affect thousands of Americans each year. 

When Should You Have Your Hearing Tested?

Most adults know that they need to visit their optometrist to get regular vision tests and the dentist to get cleanings twice a year, but when is the last time you went for a checkup on your hearing? Since your ability to hear can change over time, it can be difficult to notice changes until it’s too late.

What is Causing Your Headache?

It is estimated that approximately 45 million Americans complain of headaches each year, which comes to nearly 17% of the population. While some can be minor and go away quickly, others can become serious, and require daily treatment of some sort. The big question is, how do you know what type of headache you have in order to find the correct relief?

Common Winter Allergens to Watch Out For

The cold weather has slowed down pollen production and that means a relief for allergy sufferers, right? Not necessarily. The chilly months may force you to stay indoors where several allergens and irritants could be present.

Since allergy symptoms can often match those of the common cold, it is important to recognize the possible causes of allergic reactions.

What Your Earwax Says About Your Ear Health

The main job of ear wax is to help prevent bacteria, germs, dirt and other irritants from entering your inner-ear. This can help prevent infections and possible blockages from forming. But, did you know that your earwax could give you indications of issues regarding your ear’s health?