Ear, Nose and Throat Care in Manhattan, NYC
Dr. Stacey Silvers is a board-certified otolaryngologist in Manhattan, New York City. Dr. Silvers specializes in treating sinus conditions, sleep disorders, hearing and balance conditions, and more. Dr. Silvers was named a Castle Connolly top doctor once again in 2023, marking the 20th straight year she has been recognized. Learn about the services provided by Madison ENT & Facial Plastic Surgery and schedule your appointment today.
Ear Conditions
- Hearing Loss
- Vertigo & balance disorders
- Ringing in ears (tinnitus)
- Fluid/recurrent infections
- Ear tubes
- Disorders of the hearing bones
- Congenital deformities (lop ear, pits )
- Ear wax
- External ear canal problems
- Eardrum perforations
- Audiology services
Nose and Sinus Conditions
- Breathing Disorders
- Allergies
- Immunotherapy
- Recurrent sinus infections
- Balloon Sinus Surgery
- Nasal obstruction