Treatment for a Perforated Eardrum in Manhattan, NYC

Dr. Stacey Silvers Treats Perforated Eardrums at Madison ENT

A perforated eardrum, also known as a ruptured eardrum or a tympanic membrane perforation, is a hole or tear in the tissue between your ear canal and eardrum. This tissue, called the tympanic membrane, is incredibly thin and delicate, and when pierced it can cause a wide range of symptoms from moderate discomfort to hearing loss.

Dr. Silvers has extensive experience helping patients deal with perforated eardrums. If you’re experiencing symptoms of a perforated eardrum in the Manhattan area, schedule an appointment with us today.

What Causes an Eardrum to be Perforated?

Typically, a perforated eardrum is the result of an injury, infection, or chronic disorder of the ear. Most often you will see perforated eardrums caused by:

  • An object pushed too far into the ear canal
  • A head trauma such as a skull fracture
  • Striking the ear directly
  • Loud sounds or blasts
  • An infection of the middle ear
  • Barotrauma (severe air pressure that is typically exerted during air travel)

Perforated Eardrum Symptoms

Signs and symptoms of an eardrum perforation include:

  • Significant ear pain
  • Ringing or buzzing in your ear
  • Vertigo (may also cause nausea)
  • Temporary hearing loss
  • Drainage from the ear in the form of blood, pus, or a clear and watery fluid

Perforated Eardrums Treatment at Madison ENT

There are several ways to treat a perforated eardrum. The form of treatment usually depends on the exact cause of the eardrum perforation. For example, infections that cause a perforation of the eardrum are usually treated using antibiotics.

It is also not always necessary to treat a perforated eardrum since they may be able to heal on their own over time. However, it is still very important to seek the advice of an ENT specialist since an eardrum perforation can lead to very serious complications such as permanent hearing loss. Common treatments for a more serious eardrum perforation include:

  • Antibiotics
  • Patching of the eardrum
  • Surgery

Schedule a Perforated Eardrum Consultation

If you believe that you may have perforated your own eardrum and would like to consult with one of the excellent ear, nose & throat specialists here at Madison ENT & Facial Plastic Surgery, then please do not hesitate to give us a call at (212) 213-3339 today.